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Are you a mouth breather?

Do you breathe through your mouth? Perhaps your partner or others around you have been the ones to notify you of this habit. Breathing out of your mouth may not seem like a huge problem, but in does raise some concerns in regards to your overall oral health and the facial development of children.

For many people it is hard to determine whether or not you are a mouth breather. To help here are some signs that are often caused by breathing through your mouth.

These include:

  • Dry Lips

  • Crowded teeth

  • Bad Breath

  • Snoring

  • Sleeping with your mouth open

  • Dry mouth

  • Blocked sinuses

Breathing through your mouth causes your it to dry out quicker and leads to a decrease in saliva production. Saliva plays an important role in neutralising the acids in your mouth to wash away bacteria. Hence, a decrease in saliva production increases risk of tooth decay and cavities. In more severe cases, a dry mouth can lead to gum disease or other dangerous oral health problems.

Long term effects of mouth breathing may also be seen if it begins during childhood. If unchecked, breathing through your mouth can lead to differences in facial structure development such as a narrow jaw. This can cause disruptions in dental development, causing crowding of teeth which require orthodontic treatments. Other effects of mouth breathing include, difficulty sleeping and lack of energy.

If you suspect that you or your child are mouth breathers, book in to see one of our dentists today. Early detection is always best!

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